Who are WE?


AGILE Consultancy, Training & Support Services.

Agile CTSS provides Consultancy, Training & Support Services specialising in Serving Members & Ex Military Veteran Support. This includes Education, Training, Research, Policy Development, Program Development & Bespoke Program Development.


We have been extremely honored to have worked with such vast and different organisations and service providers on our journey. We value the experience and knowledge we have gained along the way in order to bring to you a diverse suite of services that can be designed with only what you require in mind. We pride ourselves on providing a professional and confidential service to all of our clients.


Military Serving Members, Veterans & Other Front-Line Staff.

Agile CTSS staff have worked with Service Members & the Veteran community. One of our team members specialises in Serving Member & Veteran care and support, and as a result we have been privileged to assist them in using life skills programs and other programs to assist in their transition from deployment to reintegration and readjustment to civilian life. 

Agile CTSS staff have developed and written on many topics related to working with Serving Members & Veterans. You can view these in the CHANGED Program Series© tab.


Members of our staff also provide voluntary hours in this area to ensure every Veteran has access to a support structure and is assisted on their journey. We are both honoured and privileged to be considered a valuable resource to them and thank them for their sacrifice and their service.

With our law enforcement communities our team are skilled and previously have developed initiatives and worked alongside them to provide a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving within the communities that they serve.

By providing inter agency collaborations new understandings emerge and a deepened appreciation for each role emerged. This approach allows for the breaking down of barriers within these communities.


Training, Development & Design.

We provide consultancy on training needs for staff and can develop training specifically for your business or organisation. We offer bespoke tailored made programs.

Whether you are an organisation/businesses, educational facilities or other service facility.

Agile CTSS will assess your training needs.

Set your training objectives alongside you & create your training action plan.

Design your training initiative.

Deliver the training.

Evaluation & revision of the training is a fundamental part of this as well as training feedback which is provided to you. 

Agile CTSS can further digitize you training programs and provide them in a mobile application for staff and employers to access the training in their own time and comfort.


Agile CTSS offers a wide range of cost-effective diverse services to suit any individual, organisation or service provider. Simply click on the required tab to take you to the information relating to each service that we provide. We look forward to working with you and thank you for visiting our website.



You can be assured in the quality of the service provided by Agile CTSS by reading some of the testimonials from our clients.

We look forward to working with you in the future.