Evidence Based Programs & Services 

Here at Agile CTSS our staff pride themselves on engaging and training in the most up to date and current program practices that are evidence based to bring you the most up to date service and program delivery. Knowledge and understanding of why and how to change are priceless tools in a journey of change. Staff or Employee specific programs are also available. We look forward to working with you around your desired program or service.


Apart from The CHANGED Program Series© some of the other programs we offer include Click on the area of interest for a detailed description.


Veteran and Front-line Services specific training & programs

The CHANGED Program Series ©

Life Coaching 

Life Skills Coaching

Understanding How PTSD & The Brain works

Deployment & Reintegration Education for Families

Veteran & Front-Line Staff Alcohol Awareness

Understanding Military Culture, Experience & Reintegration

Navigating the Transition to Civilian Life 

Anger Management and Building Resilience

Bespoke Program Design 


Individuals & Groups

The Community Reinforcement Model 

Recovery and Wellness




Anger Management

Building Self Esteem

Stress and Anxiety 

Recovery Programs

Life Skills

Drug Education and Primary Prevention

Relapse Prevention

Brief Intervention 

Motivational Interviewing

Effective Communication



New Service Development

Policy Development


Training Development & Delivery

Employee Wellness Programs

Employee Mental Health Management

Bespoke Program Design & Delivery




Final piece of Jigsaw fitting the program together
Hands holding a family
be the change